[Watch] Recording: Live Q&A on Tariffs with Dragon Innovation & Fictiv

Shawn Chang, VP of Strategic Planning at Dragon Innovation and Ricardo Ortiz, International Logistics Lead at Fictiv came together for a live webinar to discuss tariffs.

Get answers to your questions on tariffs from this live webinar recording that has been packaged on-demand.


Tariffs are a pretty in-depth and timely topic right now, so these experts tried to answer as many questions as they could, but here is a spot light of some of the key topics discussed.

5 "Key Takeaways" from the Live Q&A webinar on Tariffs:

  1. Understanding the "rules of origin" schemes as it pertains to your products. 
  2. Misclassifying your goods to avoid payment of duties. DON'T.
  3. Shifting production from China to other areas like APAC, Europe, Mexico and the US.
  4. Breaking down HTS codes and lists published for Section 301 sanctions.
  5. Prototype import costs as it pertains to tariffs. And much, much more!



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